Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 7

I had a presentation with Henry and Cayla this morning. We could not find an empty conference room around the building, so we used a room in graduate student office instead. I didn't prepare for it, so I just talked about what I learned this first week and how my project looked like. Maybe I should make some powerpoints next time. Anyway, I think it was a very good preparation for my final presentation.

Since I didn't have serious tasks to do, I visited visual perception group to see what they were doing now. While personally I'm very interested in computer programming, I went there also to learn how to detect and analyze the images which I might need to use on the images gathered by CCD. My brother sent me an OpenCV tutorial; Then I was reading the OpenCV tutorial. I realized the images could actually be split into tons of pixels and then analyze each pixel by comparing it with the pixels around it. 

It was a surprise that Lauren came back, and she gave some suggestions on my abstract draft. Lauren also told me that the laser could not directly go through CCD, which might destroy the CCD camera. I read a sample paper written by Lauren which was a good sample for writing an abstract explicitly.

I hope that next week I can learn how to put the CCD camera and how to collect the images, after which I'll see the real changes of the surface structures. 

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